Why to Keep Up With Your Health Issues

And how research studies may be able to help Those with health conditions often struggle to keep up with the latest treatments, or with any medical self care at all. For example, those with chronic low back pain often resort to over-the-counter painkillers instead of seeking a more long-term solution. Or those with high cholesterol [...]

By |2023-07-24T04:11:30+00:00April 10th, 2023|Participating In a Clinical Trial|9 Comments

Finding Good Representation In Clinical Trials

New research suggests lower income individuals are less likely to participate in clinical trials. Any researcher understands the difficulty of finding the best representation of the general population for their study. Some segments of the general population are in fact less likely to participate, new research shows, which can influence the quality of research and [...]

Pain Management Clinical Trials

There is a lot of research conducted for pain management. Some research is focused on reducing the pain from chronic conditions, like arthritis. Other researchers work to find new ways to reduce pain for people who’ve undergone surgery or had an accident. This research is especially important given the dangers of many painkilling medications. Painkiller [...]

What is a Clinical Research Coordinator?

There are many different roles that have to be filled in order for a clinical trial to run smoothly. A very important role is the Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC) who works very closely with the Principal Investigator and other study members including the research participants. Generally, the CRC supports, manages and coordinates all activities within [...]

By |2014-09-15T12:32:55+00:00September 15th, 2014|Participating In a Clinical Trial|0 Comments

Research Shows That Many People Don’t Understand What Happens in Clinical Studies

We hear studies quoted to support everything from the newest birth control to the latest cure for depression, but what do we actually know about them? According to research, not much. A 2013 study by the Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research found that while most people believe they understand what a clinical [...]

By |2014-04-29T10:21:47+00:00April 29th, 2014|Participating In a Clinical Trial|0 Comments

Statistics About Clinical Trial Involvement Safety

Medical clinical trials are constantly happening, but there are still some common misconceptions about safety in clinical trials. Looking at statistics from The Center for Information and Study On Clinical Trial Research Participation (CISCRP), we see some interesting data. First, the data shows that North Americans are generally more accepting of the benefits of clinical [...]

Why Do Healthy People Participate in Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are a very important part of clinical research and at the heart of many medical advances. Many of us believe that participation in a clinical trial is restricted to people with certain conditions, but this is not true. Healthy people are also allowed to participate in clinical trials. The purpose of a clinical [...]

By |2014-03-28T08:00:58+00:00March 28th, 2014|Participating In a Clinical Trial|0 Comments

Find a Clinical Trial

Clinical research trials interest people for a wide variety of reasons. Some have a medical condition that current medication doesn’t help, so they want to try investigational drugs. Others just want to help advance medical science. Some people hope to make money from a paid clinical trial. But the question all of these people have [...]

What Are Investigational Drugs In Clinical Trials?

When we read about researchers working with investigational (or experimental) drugs, what does that mean? Furthermore, is it safe to participate in a clinical trial when the drug is ‘investigational? The United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) must approve new medications for use before they are sent to the market and prescribed by doctors. [...]

Medical Trials in Utah and America

Medical trials are a key component of the medical world, and that has never been truer than in our current day and age. A quick glance onto clinicaltrials.gov, a service of the US National Institutes of Health, shows that there are currently 160,781 studies registered. That is an enormous number! That most likely puts the [...]

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